Short story: Project Work
Just finished my lunch and got half an hour left to a group project meeting. Figured I could squeeze some time for a short story. Not entirely NTU-related but I'm still tagging it as such. So the other day my friend and I were having a group project meeting (not the same project as half an hour later). It's a paired assignment for Engineering Communications where we are required to submit a technical proposal. Being the Microsoft Office expert I am, I showed her how to use the APA reference features in Word, which I learned during my Project Work days in JC. And the conversation subject naturally switched to my PW project. And when it comes to a PW project, the most representative document would be the Written Report. Of course all my PW materials are long gone from my hard drive so I relied on my 5 years and counting of Gmail archives. Sure enough it was there. Written report 18 Oct OFFICIAL.docx. Turned out the structure of our WR has much in common with the structu...