Taylor Talk.

It's 2:20am, December 1st in my time. I'm eagerly waiting to leave this place for home. That's part of why I can't really sleep. (The other part is well I force myself not to sleep, so that I will not miss the flight. It's at 8am.)

And since it also nicely coincides with Taylor Talk at its 13th month (!!!), I guess I would just write something about it.

For those who have no idea what that is, 'it's a Taylor Swift podcast brought to you by the fansite taylorswift13.org'. As simple as that.

Taylor Talk came to me through kind of an accident. One beautiful November day last year, as usual I just randomly browse the Internet just to kill the boredom after finishing my O levels. And taylorswift13.org kind of popped out. What a nice fanpage it is. Great Taylor Swift stuff, written by a great guy named Adam. Another glance through the page, and I found this Taylor Talk thingy (by that time it's already in episode 3, before the GRAND interview with Charlie Worsham). Thought that idea was kinda cool. Press that 'subscribe' button.

First impression: What a nice podcast. Using 'Sparks Fly' my favorite Taylor song as the opening tune. (Y)

Just kidding. There's much more than that. How the hosts are really knowledgeable and funny. Interesting mini-segments. Interesting discussion.

So after that I traced back to episode 1 and 2, then continued with 4, 5,...

Fast forward 13 months. Sadly Sparks Fly is no longer the opening tune. And I have to delete lots of earlier episodes due to hard disk space constraints (sorry about that :() But on the much brighter side, every week I eagerly wait for a new episode. New topics to discuss. More interesting submissions. More Adam jokes. Great things to smile or laugh to myself.

And there are so many ways to be part of this awesome podcast. So many ways to submit my own thoughts if I have any. (actually I was mentioned once in one of the episodes... for my random discovery of The Pattern. So great a feeling that in order to calm myself down I had to pause the episode and go out and get a quick drink. Sorry :()

Pretty proud to say Taylor Talk is one of the reasons why I'm using iTunes. (The other being my iPod. Which can and will be used to listen to Taylor Talk.)

Kind of summing all up: Taylor Talk - Never fail to inform and entertain. Never fail to listen.
Thank you Adam, Belle, Maya, Diane, Haley the current hosts for making this podcast possible. You guys are the best!


Peace. It's 3am now. 2 hours til I leave my hostel room for the airport. Can't wait to get back home!


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