Short story: Germanium rings

So once again yesterday in my travels to Daiso, I came across a rather intriguing object. The Germanium ring. Support your life with the power of Germanium! Well as far as I know, germanium is just a chemical element. Nothing special right? Was laughing really hard reading out loud the description and caution to my fellow traveller, until a staff noticed my taking of photos which is not allowed and we quietly walked away. Anyways, I spent an entire day out yesterday with my two closest buddies in uni - double buffet, double movies, extremely bloated and stuff but hella fun. (And did I mention that both the two preceding short stories contain elements of this? Just crazy how much could happen in just a day...) Dated 26 June. Probably our only photo together - just 3am, 3 people, a cat and their bullshit. So now to the most cheesy statement of the day, to end off my series of three short stories: You two gentlemen, you two are my most beloved germanium...