6 years...

So another year has passed and it's that time of the year again to celebrate the most significant anniversary of my life to date - the very first day I arrived here in Singapore...

Just... no celebrations for this year.

Looking back, 
02/11/2010 was Sec 3, still very care-free and of course still messing around; 
02/11/2011 was Sec 4, in the midst of Os but still can mess around; 
02/11/2012 was J1, best time of my life and needless to say it must be messy; 
02/11/2013 was J2, right before As so of course must celebrate; 
02/11/2014 was a Sunday so definitely could not deny an overnight stay at NUS.

For 02/11/2015, at this very moment, I'm at TR99 waiting for the rest of maincomm.

Undeniably the toughest period of my life. There are days (like today) when I just don't want to wake up but I still have to, just because I have to; just a few months ago these kind of feelings are totally unheard of. But one would say it's just part of the experience, of doing so many things at once.

Really thankful for all the kind people that have come to my life in one way or another over the past six years. Especially thankful to those who are going through this tough period with me.

No celebrations, as with the "unlisted" status of this post, but it's still amazing.

Here's to the next 6 years.


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